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FILE NO. SERVICE MANUAL Multimedia Projector Model No. PLC-SU20E (Europe, Asia, Africa, M.E.) PLC-SU20B (U.K.) Original Version Service Ref. No.: PLC-SU20E-00 PLC-SU20B-00 Give complete "Service Ref. No." for parts order or servicing, it is shown on the rating sheet on the projector. PRODUCT CODE (PA6A) PLC-SU20E: 1 122 068 00 REFERENCE NO. SM5110048 (PA6C) PLC-SU20B: 1 122 068 02 s Mechanical Disassemblies Mechanical disassemble should be made following procedures in numerical order. Following steps show the basic procedures, therefore unnecessary step may be ignored. Caution: The parts and screws should be placed exactly the same position as the original otherwise it may cause loss of performance and product safety. 1. CABINET TOP REMOVAL Remove 4 screws and pull cabinet top upward. Fig.1 2. AV SUB, MAIN-B/C BOARD REMOVAL 1) Remove 3 screws (A) and take the AV SUB Board off upward. 2) Remove a screw (B) and a fixer, then disconnect the FPC cables. 3) Remove 4 screws (C) and pull the Main-B/C Boards off upward. C C C A A A Main-B/C Board Fixer B Fig.2 AV SUB Board -8- Mechanical Disassemblies 3. FRONT CABINET, VIEWER LED BOARD* REMOVAL A 1) Remove 4 screws (A) and remove the front cabinet forward. 2) Remove a screw (B) and remove the Viewer LED Board. * Model without the PC Card slot does not provide the

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